Sunday, 31 December 2006

Welcome to 101 things to do while teaching...

Ah teaching, the worthwhile pursuit of filling young minds with bright ideas. Every day filled by little bundles of joy inquisitively seeking new droplets of knowledge. Well that's what they tell you in teacher training college anyway!

Whatever your view of teaching as career (personally I love it almost as much as I do the sight of white bunnies skipping down a flower filled meadow in Spring) the chances are that you feel as though your life is ever so slightly unfulfilled. Sure, filling bright young minds with droplets of knowledge is its own reward (until the bright young minds become dreary drenched puddles of doom around about year 9), but the long hours and mountains of paperwork mean that it is likely that you don't do as much outside of teaching as do employees in other professions.

There is nothing like the searing intensity of a day in the classroom (unless you teach Year 1, playing in the sand is hardly searing intensity is it?!) to kill any enthusiasm for living any kind of life outside of teaching. A day in the trenches (sorry classroom) is unlikely to lead you to want to go home, put on your dancing shoes and head to the disco (unless you teach Year 1 of course).

Well this is where the '101 things to do while teaching' team (ok one man and a very active imagination) comes in. Over the course of 2007 it is our intention to fill your lives with the most fulfilling things that you can do outside of the classroom while teaching. Of course, intention and reality often get muddled, but you can be sure that during the next year you will receive expert advice and guidance to spice up your non-teaching lives! All you will need are Swimming Trunks, a JCB, and an Oxygen Tank (I made those up, but if we did need them it would be a pretty cool list of 101 things to do!)

Heres to 2007, and the living of a life outside of the classroom! Number 1 thing to do while teaching is coming tomorrow. Make sure you tune in, it will be an awesome ride!


The SparkleBox Team said...


Many thanks for the link to my website. It looks like this blog could be very useful and I look forward to seeing your next post!

Samuel (

101 Things... said...

Thanks Samuel for the positive comments.

Keep up the good work with your awesome site!

Nic said...

Mmmm... so you don't teach Y1, huh?

Personally speaking, I'm more tired teaching 27 Y2s than I ever was teaching 35 Y3 and 4s.

Mind you, that could just be age....

I'm waiting with baited breathe for Number 2 ;-)